Wright Scholarship Award
In 2011, the Oregon Branch of the International Dyslexia Association created the Wright Scholarship Award to honor Gary and Judy Wright’s years of service to the branch.
The scholarship makes it possible for members of the branch to attend the Branch Spring Symposium (typically in the Portland metro area) to learn more about dyslexia and effective reading and writing instruction.
“…reading is the basis for everything in life, and ‘my kids’ needed the best chance of learning to read for success in life. These kids are bright. There is a special place in my heart for every child who struggles with learning to read.”
Judy Wright
Gary and Judy both felt that the key to unlocking the potential of any child, and particularly those with learning difficulties, was the support of well trained and dedicated adults around them, whether parents or other family members, teachers, or other education professionals. Supporting the ongoing learning of these caring people is the express goal of the scholarship.
Since its founding in 2011, the scholarship has provided opportunities for dozens of branch members to attend the Branch Spring Symposia and enhance their understanding of dyslexia.
If you would like to honor the mission that was so important to our parents, please consider a donation to the Wright Scholarship Fund using the link or the QR code below.