We never missed an opportunity to have tea together and celebrate at Tea’s Me! Whether it be a shower, a birthday, or more special like Queen Elizabeth’s Golden Jubilee and/or the release of the Downton Abbey movie, we were there. But, the most memorable was when we got up in the wee hours of the morning & I drove over to Jude’s house to watch King Charles’ coronation. The coronation itself began at 3:00 am Pacific time and there we were …on the couch front and center…Tea, scones, lemon curd and clotted cream in hand. We loved a chance to celebrate!
— Mary Henderson
When I first moved to Las Vegas in the mid-90’s, Mom and Dad were excited to have an “excuse” to come visit (as if they needed an excuse to come to Vegas!) At the time I worked in the industry though I didn’t actually work on the slot machines themselves, but we’d have fun visiting all the casinos in town!
After a hiatus back in Portland, I returned to Las Vegas in the mid-2000’s when I started designing games, and then things really got interesting. Every time Mom came to visit, one of the highlights of the trip was coming to my office to get a “sneak peek” at slot machines in development. Naturally, she had extensive “feedback” after every test session (mostly: “Why don’t I hit more bonuses???”)
That feedback was actually quite helpful, and it was particularly fun after the games had been released to be able to visit the casinos and see the games that she “helped” design in action!
— David Wright
I first met Judy when she was observing me teaching kindergarten at Errol Hassel. She was the special education teacher at that time. She sat on top of a desk and took notes as I tuned my guitar with the kids helping me match the musical sounds. She laughed and told me that was a first for her to see Kinders tuning a guitar! That was the beginning of many moments we shared of laughter while teaching and later at our lunches together. I loved knowing Judy and appreciated her expertise in teaching reading. I will miss her laugh and smile.
— Jeanne Wood

Oh Judy, how I will miss you. I was taken back when I first observed Judy as her principal; who was this Queen of first grade with a special education background? She had all those kids mesmerized. By her soft dry sense of humor and loving charm. I always knew what she was teaching everyday by noticing her ear rings. If she was wearing frogs it must be letter “F” day. She was mentoring everyone including me! You must have your own reading group of first graders she says to me, everyday for 30 minutes! What! I don’t think that is my area of expertise I respond. I will teach you she says and she did with the special ones she said “ I will need to know”. And she was right! Her insight on children was amazing. And then after our retirements over many lunches, she continued to teach me to help my grandson with his dyslexia. The answer she finally shared, it’s mini M&Ms you buy in bulk on Amazon! Thank you Judy for all you gave to the children and all the adults you worked with.
— Diane Smith
About 20 years ago I met Judy and Gary while working together on the Board of ORBIDA. When Judy found out that I was an adult with dyslexia she took me under her wing and supported me any way that she could. Judy made me feel strong.
Once, Judy, Gary and I went to Philadelphia for an international conference. While there we had a spectacular dinner at a historic restaurant . The Wright’s loved talking about history and we all laughed our way through dinner. I will remember that night always.
— Debra Brooks
Judy was my master whom I did student teaching with while at university back in 2003. She shared her wisdom with me, especially with literacy.
Judy loved teaching and children and I had such a wonderful experience working alongside her. I will always be grateful for the time I spent in her classroom and all she taught me. 20 years later, I can say that she really impacted who I am as a teacher and her gift meant a great deal.
Rest in peace, Judy! Thank you for everything!
— Christa Keys
Judy was my oldest son’s (Chris) first grade teacher at Errol Hassell Elementary School. What a wonderful person we were blessed to encounter! She was always so kind and reassuring to Chris. And that smile! She had an enormous heart and helped us as parents, start to maneuver the world of Special Education. She gave us resources to help Chris so we could better understand what he needed. And gave us hope as well as a wonderful first grade experience for Chris. The world of education was such a better place for having Judy Wright.
Our sincere condolences go out to her family and loved ones. I know she will be missed.
— Doreen and John Hanna